R. Miron, C. Moisii, S. Dinu, M. Breaban

COVID Detection in Chest CTs: Improving the Baseline on COV19-CT-DB

Medical Imaging Analysis and Diagnostics Machine Learning Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence

The paper presents a comparative analysis of three distinct approaches based on deep learning for COVID-19 detection in chest CTs. The first approach is a volumetric one, involving 3D convolutions, while the other two approaches perform at first slice-wise classification and then aggregate the results at the volume level. The experiments are carried on the COV19-CT-DB dataset, with the aim of addressing the challenge raised by the MIA-COV19D Competition within ICCV 2021. Our best results on the validation subset reach a macro-F1 score of 0.92, which improves considerably the baseline score of 0.70 set by the organizers.

This article is authored also by Synbrain data scientists and collaborators. READ THE FULL ARTICLE